Subject: horrid 16bit beep solution.
To: RiscBSD <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ale Terlevich <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/27/1996 14:22:45
Has anyone else been *really* annoyed by the beep sound when using a 16bit
I certainly have, so I've written a wee perl script to convert
/sys/arch/arm32/mainbus/waveform.h from VIDC uLaw to 16bit signed linear.
It doubles the frequency cos it has to throw away half the samples to
keep it 4k long, but it now sounds correct!
I'm afraid you can only use it if you compile your own kernels cos it
replaces the waveform compiled into the kernel. Maybe if mark released
the source to mkbeep someone could write a mkbeep16 to create 16 bit
waveforms on the fly, but I'm afraid I have no idea how to write it from
To use the script, do something like
cd /sys/arch/arm32/mainbus
perl mk16beep waveform.h > waveform16.h
then either
rm waveform.h
mv waveform16.h waveform.h
or change the #include lines in vidcaudio.c and beep.c to include
waveform16.h instead of waveform.h
Now just recompile and off you go!
Obviously you shouldn't use mkbeep or it'll replace your nice new
waveform with a horrid 8bit one.
Hope someone else finds this useful!
Here's the perl(5) script! Perl's not my strong point, so please
forgive any horrid style mistakes :)
# Ale's program to make the beep work. 27-11-96
while ( ( $line = <> )!~ /\{/ ) { print $line; }
print $line;
while ( ($line = <>) !~ /\}/ ) {
chop $line;
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/,$//;
@tmp = split /,\s/ , $line;
for ( $j=0 ; $j < scalar(@tmp) ; $j += 1 ) {
$wave[$i+$j] = unulaw(oct($tmp[$j]));
#Only print out every other value so that the total doesn't go over 4k.
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < scalar(@wave) ; $i += 8 ) {
for ( $j=0 ; $j < 8 ; $j +=2 ) {
$tmp1 = $wave[$i+$j] & 255;
$tmp2 = ($wave[$i+$j] >> 8) & 255;
printf "0x%X, 0x%X, ",$tmp1,$tmp2;
print "\n";
print $line;
while ( $line = <> ) { print $line; }
sub unulaw {
#convert from VIDC uLaw to signed 32 bit.
local($bt) = @_;
$sign =-( ($bt & 1)*2-1);
$pos = ($bt & 30 ) >> 1;
$chord = ($bt & (7<<5) ) >> 5 ;
$step = 1 << $chord;
$base = ($step - 1) * 16;