Subject: Re: Math library development stopped
To: Kim G. S. \yhus <>
From: Mark Brinicombe <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/02/1996 12:02:19
>I have for over a 1/2 year tried to develop a fast
>GCC based math library for the ARM processor, under
>I have now dropped this project.
>The reason for this is that no compilable version
>of GCC has been available.
>I am sick and tired of trying to compile GCC without
>success on my RiscPC. I have no problems on my hp735
>or PCs.
I have not heard from you since I queried if you wanted a complete copy of
by GCC source tree.
I have had not problems building every version of GCC since 2.6.3
Ok for some versions the riscbsd patches may need tweeking but this is only to
be expected until the riscbsd patches are merged into the GCC source tree.
I have never had any serious problems and I would have though that if you are
about to undertake a project like this you would be able to hack the few
potential problem areas with the patches.
The only real patch is the config .h file for riscbsd the rest is just fixing
the configuration scripts to recognise the host and target and this is trivial
for someone hacking at GCC.
A fast maths library does not *require* cross compiling so what is wrong with
the gcc in the netbsd tree ? This compiles under RiscBSD with the following
tar xfz gnu.tar.gz
cd src/gnu/usr.bin/gcc
I cannot help unless I know exactly what problems you have with the compile and
I thought after my last message that you had things compiling.
Mark Brinicombe
Research Associate
Department of Physics tel: 0171 873 2894
King's College London fax: 0171 873 2716