Subject: Re: FAQ maintainer
To: Amit Gupta <>
From: Jasper Wallace <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/04/1996 16:52:45
On Wed, 4 Dec 1996, Amit Gupta wrote:
> We haven't had an FAQ for a while. Talking of which :
> The thought occurred to me recently that maintaining the FAQ is something
> which could be done by a volunteer. The idea is that someone would
> volunteer to look after the FAQ and send it to the group once a fortnight
> (or once a week, or whatever). They would keep a watch on the mailing list
> and update the contents of the FAQ appropriately (e.g. when a new kernel
> is released, bug is fixed, set is added etc.) In the time between postings
> they would also liase with kernel team members to get answers to any other
> questions.
> Needless to say, I volunteer :-) I'm away for three weeks from this Friday
> but after that I'm back in Cambridge pretty much permanently. I guess Mark
> has better things to do with his time than trying to keep the FAQ
> up-to-date. Does anyone think this is a good/bad idea ?
AFAIK Neil is the current faq maintainer - I'd be happy to do it for the
three weeks your away.
The problem is that the faq will get very large quite quickly. Something
like a 'Most frequently asked questions' posted bi-weekly (rising to weekly
after shows, articles being writtern in magazines etc...) and a weekly
summary of changes to the main faq(s) might be a better idea.
And all linked into web pages etc...
Jasper Wallace-Internet Vision | Caving-Acorn-RiscBSD-Chocolate-Banks-Fish
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