Subject: Re: RapIDE driver
To: Mark Brinicombe <>
From: Chris Gilbert <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/06/1996 00:08:12
On Thu, 5 Dec 1996, Mark Brinicombe wrote:

> >I don't think there's one at present, it's coming though, the kernel team
> >are waiting for technical stuff off Yellowstone.
> Given up waiting for technical stuff. I'm just waiting for a loan interface
> that was meant to be with me last week ;-)

I wonder if a few customers asking about it might speed things up, I'm
sure that there's at least 2 of us, if not more, with RapIDE cards, and
they said at the show they wanted to give you the info, it was reason for
buying it was they were going to give you all the info on it you needed. 

> Given a card I recon I could have a driver up and running in 24hours. 
> (Thats roughly how long the ICS IDE driver took - currently undergoing
> testing) 
> >I'm not certain of the exact info needed for this sort of thing. I think
> >that the code for the std IDE interface maybe a starting place (I could
> >be, and probably am, wrong)
> A generic wd driver can be used.  All I need is to know where the IDE
> driver registers are and the aux status register (easy to spot with a
> memory editor) and the interrupt enable register. 

Is it possible for someone else to spot these?

> I'll be committing the ICS driver shortly so you can see just how easy adding
> another IDE interface is given the actual hardware.

Will it be as fast (or faster) than the normal IDE interface? or is that
just a matter of waiting and seeing?
> Just thinking ... Anyone going to the Scotish show at the weekend got a RapIDE
> card ? Myself and Neil will be there and if someone brough the card along
> perhaps I can write the driver before the end of the show ;-)))

Unfortunately I can't make it, too far to go, and I've got a uni project
on at the mo :(

Chris Gilbert