Subject: RE: RapIDE driver
To: RiscBSD Mailing List <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Daniel Blueman (5) (CURRICULUM) <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/06/1996 10:17:00
Paul Clifford wrote:

>Is a RapIDE driver likely to appear soon? If not, what sort of
>information do I need to try writing one, is there any example source
>code, and how easy would it be to test without an installed copy of

I have a RapIDE32 interface card too. The only solution to using RiscBSD
is to attach the harddisc to the internal ADFS connector. I am probing
and looking to get some info for Mark B, such that he might be able to
it off the ground. Even if it polls the card and therefore is slow,
it'll be better than

By looking in the ROM image in the flash ROM writer/programmer on the
supplied, you can get the manufacturer ID and the card ID, which are
so RiscBSD can actually recognise the card. The BASIC program for
the flash ROM also proves interesting. Incidentally, a *new* version of
the ROM
is due out with cacheing, DMA transfer, etc (quite soon).

Soon, I might get some info the the RiscBSD kernel team for them to hack
with, so hopefully, this should speed up the development of the driver.

Daniel Blueman