Subject: dip
To: port-arm32 Netbsd <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John Wright <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/09/1996 21:17:58
Just a few b'zarrities which I'm not sure how to deal with.
I can get dip to work, for a start. Dials and everything. I'll make
a script soon.
I can't hangup and I've resorted to switching the modem off. My method
of hanging up would have been to run dip -t then type port tty00
and then reset.
If I do switch the modem of and on again I can't comunicate with it
again using dip and I dont know what else to communicate with so
it all falls down and I reset the computer.
BFN, John.
I should tell you more but maybe I don't need too... ?
John. sig too complicated.