Subject: Re: some problems, success, questions...
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Stefan Voss <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/16/1996 17:47:12
In message <>,
     Mirco VIDOVIC wrote:

> [...]
> But !
> Some programs had a -lX11 on the gcc command line. The compilation always 
> ended with an error. What's that mess ??? I've been suggested to make a 
> symbolic link to X11R6.1 named X11... I'll see.

"-lX11" tells the linker to look in the library file libX11.a to resolve
names. However it doesn't tell where to find libX11.a. The link could
possibly solve this but the proper method would be another linker option:

  -L<path to X11 lib directory>
For RiscBSD this option should read "-L/usr/X11R6.1/lib" (or was it
"-L/usr/lib/X11R6.1"?). The "-L" option tells the linker in which
directories to search for library file. In makefiles both options are
often found to be part of the variable LDFLAGS.  

> Now the always bad news !
> When I try to mount my Zip (SCSI#5) on /mnt/zip via /dev/sd0x, I always
> get  
> a "device not configured" message, except on /dev/sd0c where I get 
> something like a "bad argument... " or "illegal...".
> What's this ???

   mount /dev/sd0c /mnt 
works for me to mount my MO medias. Is your disklabel OK?

> [...]
> I'd like to know wether there's a possibility for me to get a TeX port
> form 
> RiscBSD. If needed, I shall recompile it, hoping I won't have too many 
> problems.

There was a TeX set available in the days of RiscBSD 1.1 beta. Only the
binaries (virtex, initex, bibtex, ...) would need a recompile. Fonts,
format files and such could stay the same.

> I there's a TeX, I'll have to be able to use my HP Deskjet 510 printer.
> Can 
> somebody explain me how I can get it working under BSD ?

There are all kinds of dvi2xx converters for various printers. Once you
get it compiled you just do "dvi2dj <dvi file> <pcl file>" to create a pcl
file. Then a simple "lpr <pcl file>" should do the trick. You need a
working lpd though.

> Cheers
> Mirko


Stefan Voss