Subject: New Installation manual next year
To: <>
From: None <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/18/1996 03:59:13
Also, I have had very little feedback from the people in the
RiscBSD Documentation Project, so my motivation is not too
good either.
The state of the new installation manual is as follows:
- The is far from finished.
- The contents has not necessarily been checked.
- The manual is in pure text format (ISO 8859/1).
- It is around 75 KB.
- There are a lot of details missing.
- The structure should be ok.
- The information and procedures should be much better than
what we have.
- It has been written for 1.2-release.
I think that most of you are fed up waiting for it, and I am
fed up waiting for feedback.
So Mark, could you please put the new installation manual (the 75 KB
one) in the 1.2-release/testing directory on the ftp server so that
other people can review it and use it as well?
Kjetil B.