Subject: Re: Serial port
To: Alexander Hayward <>
From: Mike Pumford <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/19/1996 13:36:05
On Wed, 18 Dec 1996, Alexander Hayward wrote:
> I've been having a few problems with the serial port and recent kernels.
> Sometimes RiscBSD just hangs when dip starts, but not always. I think it
> may be related to whether I turn the modem on before I boot RiscBSD or
> not... I'm not sure. Atl-Delete then ctrl-D succeeds in partly rebooting
> the machine - its sorta clicks and the floppy drive whirrs a bit but it
> seems to get stuck there. It needs a proper reset before it will restart.
> I can't remember if this happens all the time either...
Could it be that there is some unread data in the serial chip buffers?
There are a couple of outstanging PR's against the NetBSD/i386 com
driver rlating to this problem. A search of the NetBSD bugs database for
'com' should turn these up. As a plus point modifying the patch given on
the bug report does make the problem go away. There is also another PR
relating to the fact that unless a speed of something other than 9600bps
is used the chip is not initialised properly. RiscBSD seems to have this
problem too.
> The most recent kerne(4871?) seems to give the error 'Com port
> initialization failed' or something along those lines, before similarly
> hanging.
Yes I have exactly the same problem when invoking pppd for the second