Subject: Re: SA kernel hangs while initialising keyboard
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Burwood <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/21/1996 21:44:21
In message <>
"Mark Brinicombe" <> wrote:
> >If I boot into RiscBSD after my machine has been switched on for
> >a while ( ie more than 5 minutes ), the kernel will hang while
> >initialising the keyboard - all the keyboard lights come on, then
> >stay on...
> WHen you say stay on do you mean that they pulse quite fast continually ?
> or are they solidly on ?
I've just had the same. The lights were pulsing quite fast continually.
SA-4871 kernel.
I've also just had the machine hang a couple of times after pressing ^D
after shutdown -h now. It was just finishing the 5..4..3..2..1..
countdown. i.e., the 1.. had been printed.