Subject: Re: Re: Serial port
To: Mark Brinicombe <>
From: Peter Berg <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/21/1996 15:07:11
> On Wed, 18 Dec 1996, Alexander Hayward wrote:
> > I've been having a few problems with the serial port and recent kernels.
> >
> > Sometimes RiscBSD just hangs when dip starts, but not always. I think it
> > may be related to whether I turn the modem on before I boot RiscBSD or
> > not... I'm not sure.
I have the same problems, but I'd say that this have something to do with the
speed the serial port is running. On all speeds above 38400 the kernel freezes
the serial connection, not depending on when the modem was switched on.
The faster you'll run the faster it freezes :((
Ciao, Peter
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