Subject: Re: New FAQ
To: <>
From: Chris Gilbert <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/02/1997 15:56:03
On Tue, 31 Dec 1996, Amit Gupta wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Hope you all had a nice Christmas.
> I'm back and have *provisionally* started work on a new FAQ. 
> In order to complete it (and assuming people think it's worth going
> ahead), I need some input from folks here. Mark and Rob could answer all
> of these questions but I suspect they might be too busy : 
> 3) Does povray run correctly yet ? I recall that it used to coredump. 

Last time I tried it wouldn't work (I think it attempts to use linked
libraries, something not supported yet)
> 7) Is there any 16-bit sound support yet - either a simple beep or full
> audio ?

Something was released recently that was a patch on the source to allow a
16 bit beep.
> 9) What's the current take on Hydra support ? What works and what dosen't
> ? I suspect the kernel team will have to answer this. 

To the best of my knowledge the code is already there, how well tested I
don't know, depends whether the kernel team have had their hands on a
hydra yet.
> 10) Does MudOS compile successfully under gcc ? Has anyone tried ? 

I can't say whether mudOS compiles, I can say that CD LPmuds (v CD.04.03
and CD.04.05) compile with p1 on the SA, (you have to use yacc
though, bison seems to give up)  I can provide a set for it if people are
desperate to run a mud.


Chris Gilbert