Subject: Re: New FAQ
To: Amit Gupta <>
From: Neil A. Carson <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/02/1997 15:21:37
On Thu 02 Jan, Amit Gupta wrote:
> > Unfortunatedly not. Seven of them are listed, I can reproduce the first four
> > (and have provided the text to put in the FAQ) on the most recent kernels. The
> > last three ones are console related and I think nothing has improved there
> > either...
> I think Rob mentioned something about rewriting the console code at Acorn
> World.
Yes, there is a re-write of the console code under way. It is going well, but it
will be a while before it comes to full fruition, though. Rob will maybe want to
add to this later on.
If anyone has been trying to get in touch with Mark, Kings' main router has been
down over the festive period, and should be fixed fairly soon.
Best wishes,
* Neil A Carson (
* The Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham.
* Address: Kitchener Mess, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham,
* Swindon, Wilts SN8 8LA. Call (0370) 593183