Subject: Re: Fwd: screen trouble (some setdisplay stuff) and others...
To: None <>
From: Jochen Scharrlach <jscharrl@BA-Stuttgart.De>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/07/1997 08:26:43
> Hrm, well the '-ls' wont do too much (Why do you need it anyway :)
> Env variables are preserved into sub-shells so only things like
> aliases would apply and those should be in the .profile/.cshrc
> file).
But the .profile (like .login) is only executed when using a
login-shell and if I would use xdm, those xterm-shells would never
see any profile/login! I know the difference, because I tried it
without `-ls' :)
> As for the tset, Im using the 'aliased' version that comes via the
> root .cshrc. Try changing the line to 'tset vt220' which wont
> affect the console (see previous mail) but will give the xterm a
> kick (xterms are pretty much vt220's anyway...)
Using vt100 in the console is quite... depressing... But all that
can't be the real problem, because the problem also occurs when I am
using a telnet session on our HPs, which *definitely* have a working