Subject: New Kernel
To: RiscBSD List <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ben Strawson <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/19/1997 15:17:29
I've tried kernel 4922 on my machine (SA110, RiscBSD on 420Mb IDE, Cumana
SCSI (not used for RiscBSD), 24Mb RAM etc.)
The floppy drive does not work still (I had the same problems as everyone
else reported).
The com driver seems to be much better now, - I get 0 ibuf overflows, 0
uart failures, but still some silo overflows (as expected). As a result,
ppp performance under RiscBSD is much better (I was using RiscOS for
downloading stuff, simply because it was much faster).
Out of interest, the kernel is detecting my SCSI card and drive on startup
(reports one drive on csc0 as I would expect). However, I am currently
using *only* the IDE disc for RiscBSD, so not sure how much further it
would get if I was running RiscBSD off the SCSI drive.
Ben Strawson
Department of Computer Science
University College London