Subject: Stiffing the machine
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Burwood <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/19/1997 05:56:18
Following a careless bit of coding, I generated a program which
completely stiffed RiscBSD. The program was dereferencing argv[i]
instead of argv[1] and was thus trying to dereference the address
0xefc01e3c. According to sys/arch/arm32/include/param.h this lies above
the PROCESS_PAGE_TBLS_BASE (0xefc00000) and so was probably trying to
read a supervisor read/write protected area of memory, but that
shouldn't stiff the machine.
I was using my own kernel, based on supped source from about 12/1/97.