Subject: Re: Problems with kernel SA-4922
To: Ben Strawson <>
From: Ale Terlevich <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/20/1997 18:57:36
> I seem to be having a problem with the latest kernel...

  The problem is that 1.2-release is now falling quite far behind
NetBSD-current, on which the kernel images are based.

  Don't know what the best thing to do about this is.  I've tried to get
some of the source for the things that *need* updating (libkvm.a and 
everything that uses it I think) but I can't get them to compile on their 
own. Owing to a severe lack of diskspace I haven't persued the matter any 

  Proably best to just live without ps/top for the mo, nad await a patch 
