Subject: Re: time probs
To: Ale Terlevich <>
From: Mark P Hoyle <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/20/1997 20:06:49
On Mon, 20 Jan 1997, Ale Terlevich wrote:
> Hi.
> I seem to be ahving problems with my real time clock
> Every now and again it sets the year to 2000.
> (Day number, month and time stay correct)
> What's going on?
> I think it's doing it on reboots/halts. Although not always.
> (I have timed_flags=NO in /etc/netstart)
> I've had to reset it a few times now. The computer stays switched on
> during these reboots, and it is the CMOS clock being changed as RiscOS
> thinks it's 2000 too.
> Anyone else get this? Is it something obvious?
I have also got exactly this problem the date (at the moment I am using
ntpdate in my startup sequence to reset it - and xntpd to keep it
correct) ever since I started using a new kernel I compiled on the 6 or
7th January. I managed to compile new versions of kvm_mkdb, libkvm.a, ps,
w and systat but they would still not work.
Jasper Wallace very kindly sent me new versions of w, ps, systat and
libkvm.a which all worked, until I started using a kernel I compiled
yesterday. Now netstat gives 'netstat: kvm_read: Bad address' errors, ps
will not work with the u option, gives floating point exception errors,
and I am still trying to recompile the binaries but to no avail.
The source code I am using is the complete sup-ed source from (I sup it daily) - it helps having access to
a large amount of network drive space.
Any help with the date or system binary problems would be gratefully
ps: Mark - the two swap partitions 'seem' to work fine - except that X
has become a little more unstable when swap space is actually being used
- becoming more unstable as more swap is used.
Mark P Hoyle |
Mathematics Department | "If you want to imagine the future,
Royal Holloway College | imagine a boot stamping | on a human face forever"
Tel: 01784 443696 | - George Orwell's 1984