Subject: Re: stupid question
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Olly Betts <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/23/1997 11:07:01
The one and only Adrian! wrote:
>The best thing would probably be to run !Gzip, and then drag the
>inst-12.fs.gz file onto the Gzip icon on the iconbar. Make sure that you
>have the options set to "unzip" or "reverse" as opposed to "zip".
>However, if this is giving you problems you're going to have a great time
>actually installing and maintaining an entire UNIX OS.
To be fair, Kai thingummybob's RISC OS port of gzip has a pretty poor UI
-- it always takes me some time to remember all the steps needed to coax
it into actually unpacking a file. And it doesn't work inside !MemFS,
which would be bearable if it didn't delete the original file whenever
it encountered an error.
If a long time RISC OS user has trouble with !GZip, it's not suprising that
a newcomer would have problems.
And surely since gzip-ed files are likely to have come from another OS and
not be filetyped, and they are clearly identifiable by a magic cookie at the
start of the file, it would make sense to gunzip if the file is a gzip-ed or
compress-ed file, and gzip otherwise.
To be honset, I wish Kai had devoted as much energy to coding as he did to
ranting on c.s.a about anything and everything.
Sorry if this isn't very on topic. To steer it back, a more useable !GZip
would be useful for the riscbsd project -- is anyone thinking of doing a
better port? Much as I'd love to, I really don't have the time at present.