Subject: Re: stupid question
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Olly Betts <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/23/1997 16:41:54 wrote:
>Olly wrote:
>>Sorry if this isn't very on topic.  To steer it back, a more useable !GZip
>>would be useful for the riscbsd project -- is anyone thinking of doing a
>>better port?  Much as I'd love to, I really don't have the time at present.
>Isn't it just a better front end that we want?

Not really, for a number of reasons:

* Kai admits in the readme that there are problems due to UnixLib's file
  mangling code.  Also, the StrongARM problems are probably caused by
  the version of UnixLib used (although that could be fixed by recompiling
  with a newer UnixLib since I think Kai uploaded the source)

* The version Kai ported is now rather old

* And it's much easier to write a solid front end if you put the code in
  the executable rather than trying to write a wrapper to a command line
  program.  You can always put the GUI code on a command line switch so
  that the executable still works from the command line (like I did with
