Subject: Re: Installing problems...
To: Patrick Welche <>
From: Chris Gilbert <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/24/1997 13:46:15
On Fri, 24 Jan 1997, Patrick Welche wrote:
> > > > Loading ramdisc: 0Kpanic: Cannot load floppy image
> > > ^^
> >
> > I think ram disk size is said earlier, the value on the loading line shows
> > how far it's got with putting stuff in the ram disc...
> So could it be that the floppy has a gzipped version of the image on it
> rather than the image itself?
Wouldn't matter, the kernel wouldn't panic (until it tried running the ram
disc) it would copy what's on the disc, if you read the original mail
closely it's not the ram disc that's the problem it's the floppy disc, it
appears not to be detected (A reported problem with some of the more
recent kernels) It maybe something to do with the PC floppy drive always
spins at a constant speed, whereas a little switch on the Acorn drives let
them speed up and slow down (I could be talking rubbish here, but it's
what I heard)
Can the original poster check if the kernel boots without a floppy disc in
the drive, and what format the disc is under risc-os (should report not
Chris Gilbert