Subject: Re: compiling probs and make.
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Baeurle <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/25/1997 19:26:11
Hi Ale!

In message <>
          Ale Terlevich <> wrote:

>   It appears that you need the latest version of make
> (/usr/src/usr.bin/make) from netbsd-current to compile the latest source 
> tree, otherwise it dies with "Unknown modifier 'Q'" errors when compiling 
> the kern library.
> (At least compiling the latest make made the errors go away!)
>   If you all already know this, then many apologies :)

Well I said the same sometime, but it might have been after your mail though,
as you see I'm sometimes a bit behind with reading the list.

You also need a new config again, I think since Mark changed the bus space
Anyway, anybody who compiles his own kernels should also track changes to the
source for make and config by sup-ing them too.
config is in the release ksrc-common I think and make is in the release bmake.
