Subject: Re: NetBSD binaries
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Black <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/29/1997 17:24:41
On Jan 29, 4:53pm, Jonathan Hunt wrote:
> Subject: NetBSD binaries
> I was just wondering if it would be possible to implement something in
> RiscBSD that would enable you to run NetBSD bineries from the PC if
> you had a PC card installed?
> How difficult would this be to do in practice? Any thoughts?
This effectively means porting NetBSD to the PC card and then writing a front
end under RiscBSD. The info needed to write the front end is not likely to be
available (I doubt aleph-1 would release it). I'm sure Mark could make it
happen under RiscOS if he were offered suitable financial inducement but
otherwise I'm sure there are things he'd rather do. Why would you want to run
NetBSD/i386 binaries anyway (I hope you weren't about to say 'to emulate
Rob Black