Subject: Re: sorry for this "FAQ-question"
To: Thomas Boroske <>
From: Mike Pumford <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/30/1997 09:21:29
On Wed, 29 Jan 1997, Thomas Boroske wrote:
> In message <Pine.LNX.3.91.970129091235.30277A-100000@bass> you wrote:
> Sorry for not making myself clear. What I meant: Will there be a problem
> with the RiscBSD side of thing, ie does bb_riscbsd support partitions
> which start beyond the 512MB boundary ? OK, now I assume bb_riscbsd
> uses filecore somehow, so I guess the problem is gone with the
> RiscOS filecore problem (new filecore), so it'll be OK ? Somehow
> from the old posting I understood that bb_riscbsd was limited to
> the first 512MB to make a partition start there.
There is no problem with RiscBSD in these cases and bb_riscbsd only
needs to write the partion offset of the RiscBSD partion into the
filecore bootblock.
This means that the new filecore is not needed at all to set up
and use RiscBSD on a partition starting on the 512MB boundary.
The only reason for having the new filecore is to access the RiscBSD
partitions using UnixFS in RiscOS and for booting directly from the kernel
on the root partition. I managed quite happily for over a year in this