Subject: Re:hard drive buyers guide
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <KLE@SWE.GPPM.DE>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/07/1997 15:09:03
Hi there,
Olly wrote:
>420M drive. Now for example, looking at local suppliers in Cambridge, World
>of Computers do a Quantum 3.2GB IDE (thought that was bigger than IDE could do?)
>for 196 quid + VAT, but if I look at the currently available information I find
>no assurance that this will work:
I own such a Quantum fireball 3.2 GB and I can say that it works.
First I had problems (computer hanged) to create a large (1GB) DOSen
partition with the !PCx86 config application, but when disabling the
automatic initialization of the partition, it worked successful. You must
then format the partition under DOSe with the command >format d:<
if d ist your created partition.
A friend of mine bought the larger fireball 3.8 GB and he said that
it works fine with his RPC.
Hope this helps.