Subject: Again: Spindown
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Thomas Marx <marx@POOL.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/08/1997 11:16:39
Hello everyone!
The hints about the spindown didn't work.
To come a bit into detail with my spindown problem:
I have ADFS 4 and 5 , 4 is RiscOS, 5 is BSD. THen Powertec with 2 drives
1 drive is RiscOS. 2nd Drive is 1024MB RiscOS and 1.2GB dead RBSD
(some probs with DISKLABELS) . So I want to spindown both SCSI drives
and the ADFS4. I have written a small BASIC file to set a spindown time
for alldrives. I run this file early in the boot process (!run file of !boot).
So the sindown time are set. But under BSD the drives run all the time.
I don't like that because my BSD sessions really long.
BTW, if there is anyone to help me with my DISCLABEL prob, please contact me.
Regards, Tom