Subject: Re: Latex.
To: Alexander Hayward <>
From: Ben Strawson <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/14/1997 12:53:22
On Fri, 14 Feb 1997, Alexander Hayward wrote:

> The latex sets in the 1.1-alpha2 directory don't seem to work any more.

Indeed they don't.

> Is there some way I can compile support for the old format binaries in to 
> the kernel? Alternatively, has anyone recompiled latex (and tex)? Or 
> would I be better recompiling it myself?

Many people (including myself) have said we would upload sets, but noone
has yet.  My excuse is that I am reorganising my partitions at the moment,
and my RiscBSD bit is moving.

You are therefore much better compiling it yourself, especially since you
have a JaNET connection.  You need to go to and get
one of the distributions.  I used the file in
/ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/web2c/web2c named unixtex.ftp which will
tell you how to do the web distribution.  I think someone else (Markus?) 
recommended using the teTeX distribution which is in
/ctan/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX and may be better - I haven't tried
it myself though.

Good luck anyway, you should find someone on the list will help if you run
into any problems with either...


Ben Strawson                                  
Department of Computer Science
University College London 