Subject: Re: More Window managers, and other stuff.
To: Patrick Welche <>
From: Ale Terlevich <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/17/1997 16:19:31
> > Furthermore, can someone tell me how to quit X Windows if you ever get 
> > left with a blank screen and no xterms, and no way to bring any up (ie 
> > the mouse no longer brings up menus on the backdrop)?
> I think ctrl-alt-backspace might do it.

  I think you'l find that's XFree under Linux.

Try <alt><f1> to change back to the console, from where you can either 
kill X or start an xterm/window manager.

  If that doesn't work, try <printScrn>  (or <alt><prntscrn> )
