Subject: Errors.
To: RiscBSD Mailing List <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Martin J Dye <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/17/1997 18:22:08
<Release 1.2 - kern4958
I was wondering if anybody could help me with the following:
In the install guide, it says to type: configure - this doesn't work. What
should I use instead?
Also, I can only run programs when I'm in root, ie. if I'm in the games
directory, I can't run any files by just typing in their name, but I can if
I'm in root and type in their full directory structure.
I get the following errors during boot:
savecore: /netbsd: nlist: Undefined error 0
savecore: /netbsd: nlist: _dumpdev not in namelist.
Oh yes, and the manual doesn't work... :-)
Martin J Dye -
Milton Keynes Shotokan Karate CLub TASK homepage: