Subject: *Draft* of new installation manual soon available
To: RiscBSD Mailing List <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kjetil B. Thomassen <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/01/1997 23:01:22
I have, in cooperation with the rest of the RiscBSD Documentation
Project, written a new installation manual for RiscBSD.

This is only in draft form at present, but the people who have
reviewed this draft tell me that it is an improvement over the one
we have at present as beta.txt.

As I will be going away a couple of weeks now with no access to
computers :-(, I have asked Mark Brinicombe (the ARM port master)
to install it on the ftp server. I will return on the 17th.

My hope is that this contribution will be welcome and that the
manual contains some information of value.

The manual is missing some details, and it hasn't really been
tested in a real installation context, but most of the details
have been checked along the way.

If you have any comments to the manual, please feel free to
mail me privately on the address below.

Kjetil B.