Subject: Re: Installation problem
To: Vincent Lefevre <>
From: Jasper Wallace <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/10/1997 11:17:38
On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

> I post this for someone who doesn't have an Internet access. He told me
> the installation problems *by phone*, so there may be slight errors in
> the following (but I hope there aren't).
> He's got a Risc PC with an ARM 710 and 12 MB DRAM, and RiscBSD from the
> Risc Disc 3. He tried the following kernels: Voyager 4740 and 4956.
> He formatted a floppy and copied inst12/fs (step 5). Then he performed
> step 6 (in particular, he selected /dev/rd0a (root) and /dev/wd0b (swap)
> and he verified that the ramdisc size was 1440K). But he got errors
> during the boot:


When you say he formatted a floppy and copied inst12/fs onto it how did he
do it? inst12/fs is not a 'file' its a 'disc image', you use the 'rawwrite'
or 'flopwrite' program (I forget what it's called) to write it straight to
the disc.

Jasper Wallace-Internet Vision | Caving-Acorn-RiscBSD-Chocolate-Banks-Fish
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