Subject: Re: UnixFS mounting problem
To: Rob Schrauwen <>
From: Scott Stevens <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/08/1997 18:51:34
Rob Schrauwen writes:
> Hi,
> This seems to work OK under RiscBSD, but when I try to mount /usr under
> UnixFS with mountufs ADFS wd1e or *unixfs_mount 4026C I get the error
> message
> 5
> Error reading file system
> UnixFS_Mount'ing the root partition wd1a, however, works fine. What am
> I doing wrong?
Are you running RO 3.5 ? Is the /usr partition above 512M on the disk
? Is the / partition wholly below the 512M boundary ?
If the answers to these questions are yes, then you either:
a) cannot use UnixFS for /usr
b) need to upgrade your filecore
> Regards,
> Rob Schrauwen
Cheers Scott
Scott Stevens, Network Services Group, Computer Centre, Imperial College
"I just don't trust that machine, man. Look, I know it's old-fashioned,
but I'm from the school that believes, "If God intended us to fly, he
wouldn't have invented Spanish air traffic control"." - Lister, Red Dwarf