Subject: Re: speedy FP
To: None <>
From: Scott Stevens <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/11/1997 12:06:15
Chris Rutter writes:
 > In message <> you recently said:
 > > (dynamically linked programs should be the vast majority and those
 > > would only require dropping in the FPU using libc).
 >  Ah, yes, except for the fact that 'BSD doesn't support dynamic libraries
 > (like Linux), erm, well, yet.
 >  By the way, does anyone know anything about the FreeBSD port being done
 > by Gary Partis (Cumana engineer).


 > I went to FreeBSD's pages a while pack,
 > only to find Gary's homepages in a subdirectory on the FreeBSD website.

I think you're thinking of Gary Palmer.

 > It said something like "work has temporarily stopped on the Acorn/ARM
 > port of FreeBSD". News, anyone?

Ask Gary (Palmer) that is...

 > Cheers,
 > Chris.

Cheers Scott

Scott Stevens, Network Services Group, Computer Centre, Imperial College
"I just don't trust that machine, man. Look, I know it's old-fashioned,
but I'm from the school that believes, "If God intended us to fly, he
wouldn't have invented Spanish air traffic control"." - Lister, Red Dwarf