To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Teichmann <sol@Space.WH1.TU-Dresden.De>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/12/1997 00:20:57

today tried the latest kernel from the autobuild directory and found,
that every 20 seconds the system hangs completely for about 1 second,
and the harddisk is accessed. Does anybody know what is the reason for that?

Normally I use the kernel sa110-4958. There also every 20 Seconds the
harddisk is accessed for about 1 second, but the system still reacts during
that time.

I use a SA powered RiscPC with 16 MB Ram and a 400 MB partition on the
420 MB Conner IDE harddisk.

Peter Teichmann