Subject: Re: RiscBSD for beginners...
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tom Hughes <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/23/1997 16:52:18
In message <>

> PlingBoot are meant to do a CD-ROM, but they seem to be rather slow
> judging messages on this list.  Anyway, their contact details are on the
> riscbsd web pages somewhere.

Is that what you call it? I'd call it a dead stop personally. My
cheque was written on 12th May 1996 and posted within a day or 
two of that date. To date I have no CD. I will admit that the
cheque also hasn't been cashed (and probably can't be now).

Mark did say he'd bring some to Acorn World and I reserved one of
those, but then he didn't have time to do them. He was then going
to do them after the show and clear the backlog but I have heard
nothing more since.


Tom Hughes (
...Your cat's missing?  Have you checked my bumper?