Subject: Re: Problems installing RiscBSD
To: Tony Houghton <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/28/1997 12:11:48
On Mon, 28 Apr 1997, Tony Houghton wrote:

> I think I've worked out what's going on now, but not how to fix it. I
> gather there's some file or other which tells BSD how to mount the file
> systems? Well it looks like in one of the sets provided with the Risc
> Disc 3, some joker's prevented /usr from being mounted automatically and
> set root to read-only.
> mount /usr
> seems to fix the first problem, albeit only for the current session, but
> how do I make root r/w and get all the others to mount automatically?
> Oh, not that I can configure anything while root's read-only, but once
> that's sorted, what timezone should I use for BST?

	/etc/fstab contains a list of mountpoints and should be something
	like: (your partitions other than 'a' may very)

		/dev/wd0a       /               ffs     rw 1 1
		/dev/wd0e       /usr            ffs     rw 1 2
		/dev/wd0f       /var            ffs     rw 1 3

	If you boot single user it will _always_ only have / mounted
	readonly. This is to enable the disks to be fsck'd without risk
	of disk corruption - no writes can be made until they are known
	to be 'clean'.

	From single user you can 'fsck ; mount -va' to check the
	partitions listed in /etc/fstab, then mount them. (If you have
	any nfs or similar partitions this will complain as the network
	will not have been configured - dont worry about this).

	To get partitions to mount automatically, ensure they are in fstab
	and boot multiuser.

	For timezones, I think its just GB - look in /usr/share/zoneinfo
	and copy 'GB' or a similar appropriate file to /etc/localtime.


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