Subject: Re: emacs, perl and display
To: RiscBSD <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Patrick Welche <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/06/1997 18:42:04 wrote:
> In article <>, you wrote:
> >Laurent DOMISSE wrote:
> >> I have Perl5.003 but it crash when running my own script (none
> >> to be found working !)....translation error occuring with a
> >> core dump.
> >
> >What is the script? (ie check first the perl is OK)
> Whatever the script is, perl shouldn't dump core -- it should report a
> syntax error (usually several lines after the actual problem).

Good point. Maybe the script says
#!/usr/bin/perl (as per Linux) rather than
and maybe it is a cgi script and apache dumps core... (Scenario though
unlikely is possible! Then again, we don't know what the script is...)

> >> Seems to crash quite often when using table option.
> >> Is there any hope to see Netscape browser ???
> >
> ><aol>Me too</aol>
> Since Netscape ship prebuilt binaries, I doubt there's much hope, as riscbsd
> is unlikely to be much of a potential market for them.  But you don't lose much
> by asking them.

The Me too came from use of Mosaic. Re Netscape, is it worth going
down the use of the compatibility options and execute say an SRV4
solaris binary instead?
