Subject: RE: Java stuff
To: 'RiscBSD' <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mirko VIDOVIC <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/15/1997 09:27:00
From:	Peter Naulls []
Sent:	Wednesday, May 14, 1997 11:37 PM
To:	RiscBSD Mailing List
Subject:	Java stuff

>As many of you are aware I am working on a port of Java to Risc OS
>(currently on hold until the semester is over).   What I am wondering
>is how much interest would there be for me to port it to RiscBSD.

>Yes, I realise that a version of JDK is being worked on, but it'd be nice
>to have some competition ;).  Unlike the RiscOS verision, I would make
>this one free in the interests of supporting RiscBSD.

>This would be at least two months off at this stage.

well, I'm VERY interested in a JAVA port.
I'm willing to use RPC as servers and NC as clients.

but what could be done without Java and CGI ?

Mirko   ICQ#918257
Though I work for Cyber[Line], it doesn't imply that any views 
expressed in this message are similar to my employer's. Period.
Acorn / ARMada / Bass & guitar Playing / MIDI  composing / Anne

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