Subject: FW: Java stuff
To: 'RiscBSD' <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mirko VIDOVIC <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/15/1997 10:37:07
From: 	Manar Hussain[]
Sent: 	jeudi 15 mai 1997 10:29
To: 	'RiscBSD'
Subject: 	RE: Java stuff

>Needing to *run* Java at the server end is pretty rare - all you usually
>need to do is serve it which basically any web server can do (I assume you
>are thinking of java applets on web pages or pulled down via web space).

>Things people might use Java on the server for are if they have Java server
>programs (e.g. a java chat server or java based database interface) - not
>stuff most public servers do and all of which can be done in C(++).

>In short it's probable that you don't actually *need* a Java port to
>RiscBSD to do what you want. 

In fact I need it in order to develop and 
to test my applets...
I can't do it on an NC ;-)

I think I really *need* it.
And I don't want a pissy.

I'm also looking for possibility to execute 
some *private* applets from the main server.

Mirko   ICQ#918257
Though I work for Cyber[Line], it doesn't imply that any views 
expressed in this message are similar to my employer's. Period.
Acorn / ARMada / Bass & guitar Playing / MIDI  composing / Anne

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