Subject: Re: EtherM/H
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Stefan Voss <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/28/1997 17:49:11
In message <>,
Dave Thorn wrote:
> [...]
> Ale,
> Thanks for that, but looking through them I think that it is
> unlikely that they will solve my more fundamental problem of the card not
> being detected at boot time (Podule 8 : not configured) on kernels
> greater than 4740. If sources are still around for kernels around 4740,
> I guess I could compile something up, but I am unaware of their current
> location.
Podule 8: not configured? Hey, I know that. It's an Acorn EtherH card
manufactured by I-Cubed, isn't it? I have such a card, too.
The reason for not being detected properly is that there seem to be (at
least) two versions of this card that have different device IDs. RiscBSD
only checks for one of these IDs. If you happen to have a card which
reports the second ID RiscBSD supposes an unknown card (without a RiscBSD
The solution is to let RiscBSD check for both device IDs. The etherH
driver from NetBSD-current works with both versions.
> I should really have added some more info, but as you could see
> from the time, I'd done my old trick of answering mail on return from an
> evening on the SA. The card is one of the Acorn Access ones, that reports
> itself wrongly and hence isn't recognised. I believe somneone (Mark?)
> posted something about a fix a bit ago, but I've lost it from my mail.
You have to get the latest NetBSD-current kernel tree and change the
ehprobe subroutine in file if_eh.c from
if (matchpodule(pa, MANUFACTURER_ICUBED, PODULE_ICUBED_ETHERH, -1) == 0)
if ((matchpodule(pa, MANUFACTURER_ICUBED, PODULE_ICUBED_ETHERH, -1) == 0) &&
A kernel compiled with this change should configure your etherH card
correctly. It worked well for me.
> Dave.
Stefan Voss