Subject: Re: newfs'ing a large disk
To: port-arm32 <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Black <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/11/1997 15:56:55
On Jun 11, 1:10pm, Duncan Ferguson wrote:
> Subject: newfs'ing a large disk
> Just fitted a 9.1Gb SCSI disk to my machine (arm710) through a
> powertec SCSI2 card, manaed to get it disklabeled, and now i am in
> the middle of newfs'ing it, but it seems increadibly slow. I know it
> has to do superblock backups every 50000 blocks, but its writing them
> about every 30 seconds, and there are 17717150 odd blocks to do.
The Powertec SCSI driver isn't the world's fastest. I hope it is going to get a
bit of a speedup soon.