Subject: repetable kernel crash...
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jasper Wallace <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/14/1997 16:04:17
jasper@quatermass:~/> uname -a
NetBSD quatermass.localnet 1.2E NetBSD 1.2E (QUATERMASS) #1: Wed May 28
13:14:53 BST 1997
jasper@quatermass.localnet:/usr/src/sys/arch/arm32/compile/QUATERMASS arm32
jasper@quatermass:~/> gcc -v
gcc version

f00e2e54:D@-e:e5d004: STR     r0, [r13, -#0x0004]!
panic: Abort handler canot fix this ;-(
db> trace
[last 3 repeat ad infinitum]

attempting to Continue or call cpu_reboot dies in aecatly the same place
when trying to sync or dump...

the program that causes this is a small c program for printing statistics on
my incomming mail logs, attempting to isolate the problem or narrow it down
results in code that works fine ;-)

i've got a tar file of the relevent bits if somebody wants it just

Jasper Wallace - Recovering Pre-Proto PFY (without the Pimples)
*Bugs coded* *Servers Shutdown* *hacks hacked* *mail lost* *routes re-routed*
*firewalls doused*  *discs trashed* *configurations broken* *code obsfucated* 
*demons killed*   *cables unplugged*    *deadlines ignored*   *machines hung*