Subject: Re: Kaffe for NetBSD/arm32
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tony Houghton <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/17/1997 00:09:38
In message <Pine.GSO.3.95.970616221353.29953A-100000@fm3>
"Neil A. Carson" <> wrote:
> I've just (about) finished porting Kaffe, the Java bytecode interpreter
> with JIT (though I haven't done the JIT bit yet and probably won't for a
> while) to NetBSD/arm32. I'm working out how to feed changes back at the
> moment, and also trying to work out why it falls over on thread context
> switches sometimes. Should be with us RSN though :-)
That's good news. I've heard there's a good source compiler called
guavac, that should be easy enough to get working shouldn't it?
How are we off for the windowing libraries etc?
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