Subject: Re: PowerROM support in latest kernel
To: None <>
From: Scott Stevens <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/01/1997 16:03:47 writes:
 > >So what RiscBSD does, it is sees the PowerTec ID and tries to use the ptsc
 > >driver on it. This fails as the card is really a morley (or whatever).
 > Is there likely to be support for morley cards anytime soon? 

I have a noddy driver for the uncached version. (about the same speed
as the powertec/cumana drivers), but I've not committed it yet.

 > I could
 > probably loan someone a card for a month or so if that would help.

Is it cached ?

 > Olly

Cheers Scott

Scott Stevens, Network Services Group, Computer Centre, Imperial College
"Around 200 American tom-boys discovered the very same vaccine, I'm
sorry, Around 2:00 *AM* Eric and Tom Boyce discovered the very same
vaccine"                                          - The Radio Active Rep.