Subject: Stability
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Chris Cowdery <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/05/1997 19:23:34
I've got some kernel stability problems with RiscBSD.
I've got an SA-110, so I've been using kernel 4740, which is
quite stable. But it still keeled over lots, so I upgraded to
4958 which turned out to be much worse. I've gone back to
4740, but I can't use it in anger.
The kernel fails with errors such as a page fault, and bombs
to the kshell prompt. Most programs I try to use do it occasionally
which leads me to believe that it is the kernel.
Am I the only person with this problem?.
(My hardware is a standard RiscPC600 with a SA-110 upgrade and
40Mb of RAM, 2Mb of VRAM and a 1.2GB IDE HDD.)
Does anyone have any comments or suggestions on where I can start
looking to track down this problem.
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