Subject: 1.3 Alpha problems
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Thomas Hoenl <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/18/1997 00:38:07
Today my CD arrived and i installed it without big troubles.
Here are the minor ones:
The boot-messages from the kernel display: em0 with UTP active
Sorry, mine is connected, using the BNC connector. Dispite that,
the network is working.
Ther are two minor bugs in the config script for the network
a '==' where a '=' should be (metmask-section)
a lonely 'esac'
The question for the active interface is a little bit irritating
The script issues a default [10baseT/UTP]. So answered 10base2/BNC
I don't know if it is correct or if it matters.
The 'show me the kernel messages' to get my harddisc information
(during install) displayed only rubbish.
How do I make the rc.conf go (apart from editing it). 'rcm' did not
remove the 'configured=NO'?
How about supplying a suitable .xinitrc and a .fvwmrc?
PS.: The clock tells me that today was yesterday ...
_____ _ _
|__ __|| | | | Es ist bemerkenswert, dass nur vielleicht 10% aller Pro-
| | | |_| | grammierer Programme ohne Verwendung von Flussdiagrammen er-
| | | _ | folgreich schreiben koennen. Ungluecklicherweise glauben aber
|_|O |_| |_|O 90%, dass sie der Gruppe dieser 10% angehören. (Rodnay Zaks)
... I entered this message just to use this tagline.