Subject: Re: Installation and mouse problems
To: None <, port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Theo Markettos <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/07/1997 15:01:55
On Sun, 30 Nov 1997 23:13:55 +0100 (CET), said:
> Hi Theo.
> Regarding your installation problem I cannot help you :-(
> > My second problem concerns running X. Possibly because of the way I've
> > installed the sets, rcm complains that it can't find the VIDC device. I
> > tried chmod 777ing all VIDC and mouse devices. If I startx anyway (from
> > root), it complains something like (as I remember):
> >
> You have to make some symbolic links. su to root and execute
> ln -s /dev/qms0 /dev/mouse
> ln -s /dev/vidcvideo0 /dev/vidc
> You also have to execute the following as root (to allow other users to
> use X):
> cd /usr/X11R6.3/bin
> chown root.wheel Xarm-33
> chmod a+sx Xarm-33
> That works for me (allthough it may not be the right way to do it :-)
Thanks for that, I've finally managed to solve both problems. I still fail
to see why X didn't work, as these same symbolic links showed up under ls (as
I remember). Once I got X working, using the above, I then did a backwards
step and installed everything.
I found my first problem with installation was indeed due to the set names
being in caps and having the .gz extension chopped off. I left everything
going overnight, and after _7 hours_ of solid disc grinding, it finally
finished, and everything worked properly.
Hmm, looks like I need a decent SCSI card
(60Mb in 7 hours = 2.3K/s => Morley SCSI is slow...)
Theo Markettos