Subject: Problems with modem/ppp connection...
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Richard Barrass <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/08/1998 14:20:22

I managed to set up RiscBSD to connect to Demon without much problems, but
although all is happy with a finger and a quick telnet
connection or two, I thought I would push out the boat and run Mosaic.

Unfortunately, I started seeing

... /netbsd: com0:  10 silo overflows, 0 ibuf overflows, 0 uart overflows

shortly followed by

... /netbsd: com0:  12 silo overflows, 0 ibuf overflows, 0 uart overflows

(not sure if it is uart since I saw it once then couldn't get to scroll the
console window since the machine frooze :-( )

Is there anything I can do to tweek the config. I don't have the details with me
but if anyone want's something inparticular, please let me know...

Thanks in advance
   Richard Barrass BSc.
   CCS AA Group & Lucent Tools and Computing Environment Group.
   Swindon Road, Malmesbury, Wilts. SN16 9NA.
   Tel: +44(0)1666 833605  Fax: +44(0)1666 824515