Subject: Compiling with shared libs...
To: NetBSD ARM 32 mailinglist <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/21/1998 18:24:58
> Hi,
> This question may have been asked before, if so I apologise:
> I've been running RiscBSD 1.3Alpha for about a month now and I have had absolutly no success compiling programs using shared libraries that I have compiled myself. For instance I had to compile a newer version of libXpm as I was interested in getting WindowMaker working. Xlock works fine with the new version. WindowMaker works fine if X is not running (ie. it gives the message about not being able to open up a display) but if I try to run it within X it drops out with a Segmentation fault.
mainly this happens when the headerfiles of the libraries changed in newer
versions, i.e. some structures have been changed. Then the API the application
expects and the library provides do not match. If there is no intelligent
runtime validator in the lib, segvs are the result.
The all progs which make use of this lib need to be recompiled.
ciao, peter.