Subject: Re: New C++ patch
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Baeurle <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/24/1998 00:19:14

in message <>
          "Neil A. Carson" <> wrote:

> A new C++ patch, thanks to Mark, is now available in:
> This should now make C++ work fine at long last... KDE here you come :-)

Doesn't seem so.
A hello-world-type program still gives "RRS text relocation" (Btw,
what does this mean?) for cout, but results in a working binary.
But I have a little program that also uses the setw() and setiosflags()
manipulators. I boiled it down to this:

// Kleines Programm mit setw() und rechtsbuendiger Ausgabe

#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>

int main (void)
	int i = 8;

	cout << setiosflags (ios::left) << setw(22) << "Zahl:" << i << endl;
	return (0);

which gives this linker error message:

 ld -e start -dc -dp /usr/lib/crt0.o -L/usr/libexec /var/tmp/cc00231a1.o -lg++ -lstdc++ -lm -lgcc -lc -lgcc
/var/tmp/cc00231a1.o: Undefined symbol `_setw__Fi' referenced from text
/var/tmp/cc00231a1.o: Undefined symbol `_setiosflags__FUl' referenced
from text segment

I applied the two older patches some time ago and then the latest patch
you mentioned above.

> > -making the Cumana SCSI II driver available now that the NDA has been
> > withdrawn?
> That's Scott's call on the NCR stuff.

I'd really appreciate if it was checked in. I don't get working kernels
with the most recent csc.o (posted to this mailinglist in December

> > Despite these problems, I'm quite happy with RiscBSD 1.3-ALPHA. The
> > shared libraries give me more room to breathe on my filing systems.
> Great!

But this law is still true: "Software is a gas. It will always take up
all available space." ;-)

So long, Markus